We are very pleased to share some exciting updates on our Neuroadaptivity for Autonomous Systems (NAFAS) project.
In the first nine months, we have reached some milestones that we are very proud of:
First patch prototype
We have launched the first prototype of our mobile, wearable and comfortable EEG patch. Initial tests with electrolyte gel as contact material look very promising!
Fully assembled team
Our talented team is now fully in place, with all the expertise we need to move forward. (But hey, we still have some incredible job opportunities in our Delft, Berlin and Munich offices!)
Introduction of the LAB controller
We have rolled out a Phase 1 demo of the LAB Controller, which centralizes lab processes, streamlines studies and digitizes reports. This increases the efficiency and accuracy of our data acquisition and, with that, the quality of our research.
Three operational laboratories
Our labs in Delft, Munich and Cottbus are now operational and ready to expand our research capacity.
Extension of the paradigm database
We are expanding our paradigm database to collect more data for more mental states to drive the progress of our project.
NAFAS is an endeavor funded by the German federal agency Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH - “Innovation for Cybersecurity" that seeks to revolutionize human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence through neuroadaptive technology.
This journey has only just begun and we are thrilled with the milestones we have reached so far.