
Last Updated: September 17, 2024

Zander Laboratories GmbH and Zander Laboratories Projects GmbH


Zander Laboratories Projects GmbH

Lipezker Strasse 47

03048 Cottbus



Ertragssteuernummer: 056/123/00595

VAT (Ust-IdNr): DE361875440

Chamber of Commerce: HRB 16934 CB

The registration court:  Amtsgericht Cottbus.

Phone: 016 3777 9735

Zander Laboratories GmbH

Lipezker Str. 47

03048 Cottbus, Germany


Ertragssteuernummer: 056/123/00560

VAT (Ust-IdNr): DE354212502

Chamber of Commerce: HRB 15784 CB

Unternehmensnummer (VBG): 9635 7890 7762 001

The registration court: Amtsgericht Cottbus.

Phone: 016 3777 9735

Other offices in Germany:


Uhlandstraße 32
10719 Berlin - Germany


Lichtenbergstr. 8,
85748 Garching bei München
within Gate Garching


Delft (Zander Laboratories BV and Zander Laboratories Projects BV)

Zander Laboratories B.V.

Delftechpark 25, 2628 XJ, Delft


T: +31 15 257 2796

Chamber of Commerce: 65083202

VAT #: NL855973560B01

Zander Laboratories Projects BV

Delftechpark 25

2628 XJ Delft, the Netherlands


T: +31 15 257 2796

Chamber of Commerce: 68904428

VAT #: NL857641062B01

Executive Board (both BV’s):

Jonathan Zwaan (CEO)

Executive Board both GmbH’s (Geschäftsführer):

Prof Dr. Thorsten O. Zander


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© Zander Labs 2024