
Zander Labs at brAIn@NAT25: 4th Neuroadaptive Technology Conference

Join Us at Europe’s First Neuroadaptive AI Conference

April 7-10, 2025 | Berlin, Germany

We are proud to be a sponsor of brAIn@NAT25, the first European conference at the intersection of Neuroadaptive Technology (NAT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a supporter of groundbreaking innovation, we invite you to explore the future of human-aligned AI and the next evolution of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs).

NAT’25 will take place in Berlin, Germany, at the conference hotel ABION Spreebogen.

Why Attend brAIn@NAT25?

As AI continues to evolve, integrating it with neuroadaptive technologies offers unprecedented opportunities to create systems that are empathetic, intuitive, and aligned with human values. Neuroadaptive AI (N2AI) will:

Enhance AI’s ability to understand human behavior, emotions, and values—leading to context-aware systems that are more empathetic and personalized.

Enable Real-Time Adaptation: Create digital interfaces that adjust seamlessly to user needs, fostering natural collaboration.

Power next-generation personal assistants that align with human perspectives and values, making them compatible with natural human interactions.

Sponsorship Opportunities

This conference is organized by the Society for Neuroadaptive Technology e.V., a non-profit organization committed to advancing the field of N2AI. To make brAIn@NAT25 a success, our target is €50,000 in overall support. We’re seeking contributions in the €5,000–€15,000 range, and in return, you’ll receive a mix of exclusive perks to showcase your organization:

High-impact visibility at the event venue and marketing materials.

Speaking & presentation slots to showcase thought leadership.

Workshop hosting to engage directly with attendees.

Exclusive networking with key decision-makers and press access.

Complimentary tickets to invite your colleagues to attend, expanding both their networks and yours.

• Enjoy prime visibility at the conference dinner—an exclusive setting to connect with VIP attendees and stakeholders.

• Each sponsorship is tailored to your organization’s goals, ensuring that your investment delivers tangible benefits for both your brand and the future of Neuroadaptive AI.

Sponsorship Deadline: February 28, 2025 -  Contact to secure your spot.

Conference Highlights

Day One: The Science of N2AI

Explore current research and future breakthroughs in Neuroadaptive AI.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup: Leader of the Neuroinformatics Research Group at the University of Vienna, discussing "Brain–Artificial Intelligence Interfaces (BAIs)" and the integration of AI into neuroadaptive feedback loops.

Prof. Willem Zuidema: Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam, presenting on predicting brain activation from language models and their implications.

Research Presentations: 15 research presentations showcasing frontier research at the intersection of NAT, BCI, and AI.

Panel Discussion: Insights into the future trajectory of Neuroadaptive AI.

A guided session led by the Carl Zeiss Foundation to identify the most pressing needs and opportunities for N2AI research.

Day Two: Innovation & Opportunities

Translate N2AI concepts into real-world applications and business innovations.

Keynote: "What Is N2AI and Why Will It Change Much More Than You Think?" by Thorsten O. Zander.

Industry Dialogue: A conversation with Dr. Joscha Bach, a leading expert in cognitive science and AI, exploring the alignment between human cognitive processes and adaptive AI systems, interviewed by Thomas Ramge.

Business Insights: Sessions with leaders from Bosch AG and Zander Labs GmbH on integrating N2AI into industry practices.

Funding Opportunities: Discussions with public innovation agencies and venture capitalists on accelerating N2AI innovations. Featuring SPRIND & ARIA.

One-on-One sessions with field-leading scientists.

Breakout sessions facilitated by the Foresight Institute.

Navigating the European AI Act: An overview by AI lawyer Johannes M.G. Dohmen.

Day Three: Security, Safety & Geopolitics

Address the ethical, regulatory, and geopolitical dimensions of Neuroadaptive AI.

Neuroadaptive AI in Security: Insights from Cyberagency

Startup Showcases: Presentations from emerging companies focusing on AI and neurotechnology.

Regulatory Innovations: A look at the critical need for forward-thinking oversight with legal experts from KI-Bundesverband

(N2)AI, Europe, and the Tech Cold War: Discussions on Europe's strategic position in the global AI arena. Perspectives from Ansgar Baums.

Poster Session: Showcasing the latest scientific advances in N2AI.

Wrap-up with Prof. Dr. Thorsten O. Zander, summarizing key insights and next steps.

Who Will Attend?

BrAIn@NAT25 is designed for a diverse audience, including:

Researchers: Engage with peers and share ground-breaking findings.

Industry Leaders: Discover how neuroadaptive AI can transform business models and product/service offerings.

Policymakers and Think Tanks: Collaborate on shaping the future regulatory landscape of AI and neurotechnology.

Register Today

Registration Deadline: March 31, 2025

Sponsorship Deadline: February 28, 2025


More information: Conference 2025 – Neuroadaptive AI


Other resources

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